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Terrestrial Services
Baseline wildlife and vegetation inventory including Species at Risk, Rare Plants, and Rare Ecological Communities
Preconstruction wildlife surveys
Migratory bird nest searches (sweeps)
Nesting/denning wildlife surveys
Environmental impact assessment, mitigation, and management plans for wildlife, rare plants, and weeds.
Terrestrial restoration plans, monitoring, and weed management
Aquatic Services
QWSP wetland and QAES watercourse assessments and environmental permitting including Water Act Applications and Code of Practice Notifications
Wetland decision-making and setbacks
Wetland restoration, replacement, and monitoring plans
Riparian asssessment and setbacks
Environmental impact assessment, water quality monitoring, and fish salvage for instream works
Historical Resources
Historical Resources/Archaeological Surveys & Reporting
Historical Resources Act Clearance Applications
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
Phase I and Phase II ESAs