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Terrestrial Services

  • Baseline wildlife and vegetation inventory including Species at Risk, Rare Plants, and Rare Ecological Communities

  • Preconstruction wildlife surveys

    • Migratory bird nest searches (sweeps)

    • Nesting/denning wildlife surveys

  • Environmental impact assessment, mitigation, and management plans for wildlife, rare plants, and weeds.

  • Terrestrial restoration plans, monitoring, and weed management

Aquatic Services

  • QWSP wetland and QAES watercourse assessments and environmental permitting including Water Act Applications and Code of Practice Notifications

  • Wetland decision-making and setbacks

  • Wetland restoration, replacement, and monitoring plans

  • Riparian asssessment and setbacks

  • Environmental impact assessment, water quality monitoring, and fish salvage for instream works

Historical Resources

  • Historical Resources/Archaeological Surveys & Reporting

  • Historical Resources Act Clearance Applications

  • Monitoring 

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

  • Phase I and Phase II ESAs

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